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The Daily Tribune

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Camera-shy Noy INSIDE CONGRESS charlie manalo 10/04/2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Camera-shy Noy

charlie manalo
The statements of Palace deputy spokesman Abigail Valte that President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino is simply biding his time to visit victims of typhoon “Pedring” simply because he does not want to become the focus or the center of attraction when he visits and that of Palace spokesman Edwin Lacierda that the President is not fond of photo ops are simply stupid.

Since when has a head of state avoided visiting calamity areas to personally supervise its relief and rehabilitation program and the same time comfort its victims simply because he does not want to become the center of attraction?

No matter he does or doesn’t do, he will always be the center of attraction because, let me remind him, he is the President of the country and that all people look up to him especially in time of calamities such as what Pedring had wrought.

And since when has this “student council President” become camera-shy?.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111004com7.html


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