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The Daily Tribune

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Bishops freeze RH bill talks with Palace 02/22/2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bishops freeze RH bill talks with Palace

Catholic bishops have temporarily suspended talks with Malacañang on the controversial reproductive health (RH) bill, a few days prior to the third set of their dialogs with Palace officials scheduled this week.

According to the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines, its president and Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar sent a letter to President Aquino last Feb.19, informing the Chief Executive of the CBCP’s decision to withdraw from the talks.

“In view, however, of the pastoral letter that the Catholic Bishops issued on the matter last Jan. 31, and considering the speed in the ongoing legislative processes both in the Lower House and the Senate, I deem it prudent to suspend in the meantime further talks with the Executive department,” he said.

Odchimar expressed his gratitude to the President for his immediate response to the bishops’ earlier invitation to conduct dialogs on the controversial birth control issues..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20110222hed5.html


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