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The Daily Tribune

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Rude and arrogant HE SAYS Aldrin Cardon 11/17/2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Rude and arrogant

Aldrin Cardon
It was rude and it smacked on arrogance that a female aide of Bill Clinton had to shout at and lead Vice President Jejomar Binay away at from the holding room of the VIP visitor at the Manila Hotel when he dropped by for a “paid speaking engagement” here last week.

But it was total disrespect of the country’s heritage and culture, which the Americans themselves tried to kill by bullets and assimilation in the past, that a teener, who paid for his chance to hear Clinton speak, was denied entry into the hall where Clinton was to speak about “our common humanity” because he was wearing a G-string, a traditional Igorot costume which the teener was very proud to wear.

It was a complete faux pas committed by Clinton’s close security detail, whose officials did not seem to have bothered to look at the profiles of the local VIPs to meet the former US officers, so much so that one of them had to raise her voice to get Binay’s attention and shooed him away from Clinton’s holding room, where Binay had access to mingle with the other VIPs as the vice president of Clinton’s host country.

Binay was cool about the incident, but not after reminding Clinton’s aide that she does not have to raise her voice at him, and that he would leave the room if told civilly. And yes, he told the aide that he “happens to be the vice president of the Philippines.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101117com4.html


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