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The Daily Tribune

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Bishops to Noy: ‘Stop opportunistic misuse of Pope’s words’ 11/24/2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bishops to Noy: ‘Stop opportunistic misuse of Pope’s words’

Bishops yesterday cautioned Malacañang against misusing the recent statement of Pope Benedict XVI regarding the use of condoms which dovetailed with the controversial Reproductive Health bill which is now pending in the House of Representatives.

Roman Catholic Church leaders called on Malacañang to stop the “opportunistic misuse” of the papal statement.

During the weekly forum held in Intramuros yesterday (Tuesday), Manila retired Archbishop Oscar Cruz clarified that the pope did not endorse the use of condoms as a means to controlling population and not even as a moral and ideal solution to stopping the spread of AIDS.

It’s sad, he said, that there are some groups and even government officials who are distorting the pope’s statement to advance their selfish and political interests.

“When we argue let’s not take half-truths because we will lose that way. I’m sorry to disappoint people who are hoping otherwise,” Cruz said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101124hed6.html


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