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The Daily Tribune

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Lim ordered Mendoza kin’s arrest—MPD chief By Angie M. Rosales 08/27/2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

Manila mayor denies Magtibay’s claim

Lim ordered Mendoza kin’s arrest—MPD chief

By Angie M. Rosales
Buck-passing and the blame game were in full play yesterday during the Senate hearing of the botched hostage rescue operations with a Manila police director in the hostage crisis pointing the finger of blame on Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim as the authority who had ordered him to arrest the brother of the hostage taker which had triggered the carnage.

Lim, for his part, yesterday expressed suprise over the statement of Manila Police District (MPD) director Chief Supt. Rodolfo Magtibay before the Senate hearing that it was he (Lim) who had ordered the arrest of hostage-taker Capt. Rolando Mendoza’s brother, SPO2 Gregorio.

During the press conference held in the oval office of the Manila City Hall yesterday afternoon, he said Magtibay said he was assuming full responsibility for what happened, adding he ordered Gregorio brought to the headquarters after the hostage negotiator reported that he was inciting Rolando not to yield to the police yet.

Magtibay said “the buck stops with me” during the press conference, even stating that he will not be blaming anybody else.
It was Lim who had ordered the arrest of Gregorio Mendoza, which may have led to the killing eight of the sacked policeman’s foreign hostages, mostly Chinese tourists.

This was testified to, under oath by Manila Police District director Rodolfo Magtibay.

Magtibay, who already assumed full responsibility in the mishandling of last Monday’s hostage crisis, was prompted to identify Lim as senators ganged up on him.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20100827hed1.html


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