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The Daily Tribune

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Enrile calls on Lacson to clear his name 05/20/2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Enrile calls on Lacson to clear his name


Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile has urged Sen. Panfilo Lacson to return to the country and clear his name from the murder charges filed against him for the killing of former publicist Salvador “Bubby” Dacer and his driver Emmanuel Corbito.

“I encourage him to come back and clear his name and participate in the activities of the Senate,” Enrile said in a media interview Tuesday night.

Enrile said he has no information regarding the whereabouts of Lacson since the latter left the country last Jan. 5, three days after the Bureau of Immigration put him on its watchlist.

The murder charges were filed based on the complaint filed by the daughters of Dacer — Carina Lim, Sabina Reyes, Emily Hungerford and Amparo Henson — following the execution of affidavit of former Senior Supt. Cezar Mancao on Feb. 14, 2009.

Lacson denied any involvement in the killings, but he has not been seen in the Senate since the double murder charges were formally filed against him last Jan. 7.

The lawmaker has been reportedly seen in Hong Kong and later in Australia.... MORE  

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20100520nat1.html

1 comment

Jesusa Bernardo said...

Who did Dacer & Corbito: Sen. Lacson, ex-President Estrada, or ex-President Ramos?

The many questions and twists in the case, along with the propaganda-level biases in the media and blogosphere, beckon the sober to carefully sieve through the many tales and try not to get the country burned by the politically motivated fires of deception. Using the criminal justice investigative basics of evidence, motive and opportunity, who most likely perpetrated the dastardly double-murder--Sen. Lacson, ex-President Estrada, or the one who first told the world about it, ex-Pres. Ramos?


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