• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
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Quirino folks form anti-mining network, vow to stop mining

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Quirino folks form anti-mining network, vow to stop mining
Northern Dispatch
QUIRINO, Ilocos Sur — “Let us bind together, tight as a rope, so that we can bring down the big mining companies,” said Ama Felipe Anaas during the Quirino Environment and Human Rights Summit.

With the theme “Protect the Mountains, Fields and Rivers,” 120 participants from various sectors of Quirino, Ilocos Sur discussed environment and human rights issues related to large-scale mining in the said summit last June 8.

The activity resulted in the formation of “Save Quirino Movement,” a municipal-wide network that aims to strengthen the people’s unity in order to launch more coordinated and organized actions in addressing issues of mining and human rights violations.

The summit was organized by the concerned elders of Quirino, including representatives of the Cabaroan Nieghborhood Organization, Lamag Ob-ubo Association, Patungcaleo Improvement Farmers Association organizations, Timapuyog Dagiti Marigrigat ti Madapoy, in partnership with BAMPIS (Benguet, Abra, Mountain Province, Ilocos Sur), Mining Watch and Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA).

To show solidarity with Quirino folks, members of Save Mankayan Movement (SMM) and DEFEND Ilocos also attended the summit to share and exchange experiences with the locals.

History of mining and agricultural destruction

Quirino, Ilocos Sur, is seriously devastated by voluminous toxicities, massive sedimentation and widespread siltation of the Abra River, brought about by historical mines waste from the mining operation of Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company(LCMCo). Since the operation of the said firm in 1936, the municipality of Quirino has lost its bountiful and historical fishing ground and vast tracks of highly productive agricultural lands as main source of livelihood.

The ongoing mining operation and expansion of LCMCo and its giant mining partner Gold Fields in Mankayan, the ongoing mining exploration of Royalco in Bakun Benguet, and the two-year mining exploration of Freeport McMoran/PhelpsDodge in Brgy Patiacan, Quirino, spook the people of Quirino that these large-scale mining would likely ravage what remained of their agricultural lands..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/06/18/quirino-folks-form-anti-mining-network-vow-to-stop-mining/

Dictatorial tendencies EDITORIAL Click to enlarge 06/21/2012

Dictatorial tendencies

Click to enlarge
In the Aquino government’s failure to get hold of Jordanian journalist, Baker Atyani, Dubai-based bureau chief of Al-Arabiya network, it again lays the blame on the journalist to the point of getting him barred from entering the country again.

The Interior and Local Government chief said the authorities were able to confirm that Atyani is somewhere in Patikul, together with his two Filipino crew members and that they were “safe and not threatened” by the Abu Sayyaf.

The reason given by Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo for calling on the Justice department and the Bureau of Immigration to ban Atyani from entering the country?

Atyani deceived the authorities about his real reason for being in Sulu, as he did not inform the authorities about his move to interview the Abu Sayyaf leader.

That’s a reason to ban a foreign journalist? Few, if any journalist, foreign or local, would inform government authorities that they are scheduled to meet with outlaws or terrorists. Incidentally, there is no crime committed when a journalist interviews even outlaws or terrorists..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120621com1.html

Circus time FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 06/21/2012

Circus time

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
If the selection of the next chief justice has become a mockery and even a circus, blame it on Noynoy Aquino.

First, even as he and his allies refuse to admit it, he has not only inflicted wounds in the Supreme Court (SC) but also destroyed its independence by moving heaven and earth, along with his bribes, to get the top magistrate in the land impeached and convicted while demonizing ousted CJ Renato Corona, evidently, for him to control the high court by introducing the chilling effect of a surefire impeachment for the members of the court, who now know that they can be easily impeached and convicted even when no impeachable crime is committed.

Second, when Corona was ousted, Noynoy kept on saying that he favors appointing an outsider, and younger ones too, pointing to his Justice Secretary Leila de Lima and Internal Revenue Chief Kim Henares as being qualified.

He should just have kept his trap shut and left things to the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) to come up with a list of candidates from which he can select and appoint the next CJ..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120621com2.html

US clings onto Gulf with tens of thousands of troops in region

US clings onto Gulf with tens of thousands of troops in region

The latest US Senate Foreign Relations Committee report suggests the US will seek to maintain its position as the only superior military power in the Arabian Peninsula and Persian Gulf region for the time being.

Despite the troop withdrawal from Iraq, the American military presence in the area is set to expand.

The seven-point report suggests that working in close cooperation with GCC (Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf) states, the US intends to maintain military bases or presence in practically all of those countries, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Yemen..... MORE


URL: http://www.rt.com/news/persian-gulf-american-military-291/

US and France responsible for terrorism in Syria

US and France responsible for terrorism in Syria

"The U.S. and France, mainly responsible for the shedding of innocent blood in Syria"

Syrian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faisal al-Meqdad, said Tuesday that the U.S. and French governments are responsible for the bloodshed of innocent people of Syria.

Al-Meqdad made ​​these remarks in an interview Tuesday on "Russia Today" television, referring to the support of these countries for armed terrorist groups.

The Syrian top diplomat stressed that the United States and France have equipped terrorist groups with modern weapons in order to create an unstable situation. Washington had confessed earlier that they have sent weapons to armed groups in Syria..... MORE


URL: http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/terror/20-06-2012/121439-terrorism_syria-0/

Iraq: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Iraq: Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

by Felicity Arbuthnot

"A rock,
Breathing with the lungs of a lunatic,
That is it,
This is the twentieth century." (A Mirror for the Twentieth Century: Adonis - Ali Ahmad Said, 1930 - :)

Recently a contradictory, but in important areas, remarkably sunny opinion poll on "progress" in Iraq, conducted in April, was released. (i)

It was, it has to be said, a divide and rule sort of survey as it split respondents in to Shia, Sunni, Kurdish - the Shia, obviously were largely supportive of Prime Minister Nuri al Maliki, from the Iranian backed Dawa Party.

However, for those in the west wishing a phoenix to rise from Iraq's ashes - the illegal invasion, occupation, destruction, resultant mass graves of maybe one and a half million beings, the million orphans, the over four million displaced, the unimaginable, near industrial scale, often daily carnage, nearly a decade on  - incredibly, things are looking up..... MORE


URL: http://english.pravda.ru/world/asia/20-06-2012/121438-iraq_lies-0/

Ifugao farmers want military out of their villages

 Ifugao farmers want military out of their villages

Northern Dispatch

LAGAWE, Ifugao — Members of the Ifugao Peasant Movement (IPM) complained of military presence in their villages during a dialogue with Governor Eugene Balitang, May 24.

Modesto Hangoy, a farmer from Gumhang, Tinoc said soldiers occupied the public school compound. He added that soldiers removed a poster of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) that states “all schools are peace zones.” The soldiers also accused the farmers of using farm tools made by New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas.

Daniel Tayaban of ACT Teachers Partylist, said that military presence within school compounds puts the children in physical danger. Tayaban added that soldiers court either married women or minor in Asipulo.

According to the IPM, red tagging and vilification is part of the military’s counterinsurgency program dubbed as Oplan Bayanihan, The group said they received reports of rights violations from different communities of Ifugao.

Edwin Bumolyad, IPM secretary general, told the governor that civilians, most of whom are farmers, are victims of military harassment, threats, and intimidation..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/06/18/ifugao-farmers-want-military-out-of-their-villages/

Daang matuwid and syndicated gambling VIEWPOINTS Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz 06/21/2012

Daang matuwid and syndicated gambling

Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz
Integrity, probity and honesty, honor, rectitude and decency, nobility, goodness and sincerity — these are some of the more commonly understood and professed ethical values associated with “daang matuwid.” And rightly so. The opposite symbolic gross and detestable road — something like the “daang baluktot” — is the way of graft and corruption, deception and duplicity, fraud and trickery without excluding immorality and debauchery.

To the delight and jubilation of the general public, the national leadership at the start of its tenure of office, proudly claimed and loudly proclaimed the option of following the road of the righteous — the “daang matuwid” — a claim which is now sadly causing not only strong doubts but also utter dismay. And rightly so — even if only for the infamous fact that the present government is the biggest gambler in the country..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120621com5.html

Farmers want four SC bets out for Noy bias By Benjamin B. Pulta 06/21/2012


Farmers want four SC bets out for Noy bias

By Benjamin B. Pulta 06/21/2012

Militant farmworker advocates say four personalities in the race to become the next chief justice should be disqualified for their bias in favor of the family of President Aquino in connection with the Hacienda Luisita controversy.

The Unyon ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (UMA) said acting SC Chief Justice Antonio Carpio, Associate Justice Lourdes Sereno, Solicitor General Francis Jardeleza and Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) chief Kim Henares, if selected as the next chief justice, may lead the collegiate body into reversing the 14-0 decision on Hacienda Luisita to appease the Chief Executive’s family.

There is still a pending motion for reconsideration by the Hacienda Luisita management for a reversal of the Supreme Court ruling.

It was Justice Sereno who wanted the Cojuangco-Aquinos compensated at a price of P10 billion, by having the price of the hacienda computed from 2006, instead of 1989, which 2006 computation would have given the Aquino-Cojuangcos a hefty P10 billion..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120621hea1.html

Noy senator-allies want Ping spared from ‘political intramurals’ By Angie M. Rosales 06/21/2012

Noy senator-allies want Ping spared from ‘political intramurals’

By Angie M. Rosales 06/21/2012

Sen. Panfilo Lacson should be spared from whatever intramurals are going on among the close associates of President Aquino, a Palace ally and member of the Liberal Party (LP) in the Senate said yesterday.

Lacson, who is reportedly being eyed to be “recruited” in the Cabinet as soon as he retires from the Senate next year, is alleged to be being opposed by Department of Transportation and Communications (DoTC) Secretary Mar Roxas, from being appointed to the position of the Department of the Interior and Local (DILG).

Sen. Ralph Recto came to the defense of his colleague, saying that Lacson is a worthy addition to the official family and should be welcomed..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120621nat2.html

Noy, Robredo go nuts over Atyani, want him deported By Fernan J. Angeles 06/21/2012

Noy, Robredo go nuts over Atyani, want him deported

By Fernan J. Angeles 06/21/2012

Malacaang ruled out any rescue plans for the Jordanian journalist who was first reported as abducted along with two Filipino companions as his TV crewmen, saying the government knows exactly where he is amid suspicion that the foreign newsman is merely using media work as passport in his agenda outside being a journalist.

The govern-ment is also seriously considering forcible deportation and possibly blacklisting Jordanian journalist Baker Atyani, on whom the government had attri-buted a lot of trouble it had gotten into.

Interior and Local Government Secretary Jesse Robredo admitted in an ambush interview with Palace reporters that the government hasnt made any effort in locating and rescuing Atyani of the Dubai-based Al Arabiya news network, because there isnt anyone (apparently referring to Atyani himself) asking for it..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120621hea6.html

RP-NDF peace seen soon By Gerry Baldo 06/21/2012

RP-NDF peace seen soon

By Gerry Baldo 06/21/2012

Peace between the Philippine government and the National Democratic Front (NDF) will soon be possible with the willingness of the communist group to resume of formal talks.

At least five lawmakers yesterday expressed optimism that a final peace agreement could be signed between the government and communist rebels soon.

But the NDF reiterated its call for the release of 356 political prisoners and 14 others the NDFP said were covered by immunity guarantees.

Eastern Samar Rep. Ben Evardone, Maguindanao Rep. Simeon Datumanong, Alagad party-list Rep. Rodante Marcoleta, Ako Bicol party-list Rep. Rodel Batocabe and Western Samar Rep. Mel Senen Sarmiento welcomed the development..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120621nat4.html

DND official charged in plunder case now BAC chairman 06/21/2012

DND official charged in plunder case now BAC chairman

A Department of National Defense official, who was included but cleared in the amended plunder charge filed by retired Lt. Col. George Rabusa, was tapped as chairman of the DND’s Bid and Awards Committee (BAC), which is in-charge of the procurement under the military modernization and capability upgrade program.

DND Assistant Secretary Ernesto Boac, who took a seven-month leave of absence after Rabusa included him in the plunder charges, was named by Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin as chairman of the DND-BAC effective last month.

The DND-BAC also has lawyer Cherrie Belmonte-Lim as vice chairman and DND Assistant Secretary Patrick Velez, Director Alexander Gonzales, Col. Joselito Reyes, and Director Marita Yoro as full-time members..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120621nat5.html

Orate’s relatives want case vs Robes tried in Makati By Arlie O. Calalo 06/21/2012

Orate’s relatives want case vs Robes tried in Makati

By Arlie O. Calalo 06/21/2012

Relatives of slain Noel Orate Sr., boyfriend of former Quezon City Rep. Nanette Daza, want the case filed against her son-in-law to be transferred from Quezon City trial court to Makati City.

Lawyer Eduardo Bringas representing Orate’s children — Noel Orate Jr. and Noelleen Orate-Esposo — had informed QC Regional Trial Court Branch 218 Judge Luis Zenon Maceren about their formal request to Supreme Court administrator Jose Midas Marquez to allow the transfer of the homicide case filed against Bulacan board member Romeo Allan Robes to a Makati court.

They fear for a “travesty of justice” if the case of their father will remain in Quezon City.

Daza, Robes’ mother-in-law, comes from an influential family of politicians, they said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120621met1.html

AFP tightens security inside its headquarters following robbery cases By Mario J. Mallari 06/21/2012

AFP tightens security inside its headquarters following robbery cases

By Mario J. Mallari 06/21/2012

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has imposed restrictions inside its general headquarters at Camp Aguinaldo as part of the enhanced security measures following robbery incidents within the military installation in Quezon City.

AFP spokesman Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos Jr. said the enhanced security measures now being implemented start at the various entry points and gates of Camp Aguinaldo wherein intensified inspections are being conducted.

“Our enhanced security measures continue as personnel assigned to every point of entry at the camp observe the open trunk policy upon entry and exit of vehicles,” Burgos said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120621met2.html

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