• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
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The Daily Tribune

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Stupid move EDITORIAL 05/12/2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Stupid move

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For decades, we have had this dispute over the ownership of certain islands and shoals with China and other claimants, and yet the country under different presidents, co-existed peacefully with China and the Philippines’ neighbors. Trade and tourism went on without any serious protests or talk of war — until the country had the misfortune of having Noynoy Aquino as president.

From the day he took office, he managed to screw up not only the country, its people and their Constitution, but also succeeded in destroying the relationship the Philippines had enjoyed with China.

A big blunder was committed by Noynoy early in his presidency when the Manila bloodbath occurred during the botched hostage rescue, leaving eight Hong Kong tourists dead. He was neither heard nor seen all throughout the hostage crisis. Worse, he even refused to speak with the Hong Kong leader at that time, and then made his appearance four hours after the tragedy, obviously for a photo op, with him even smiling at the site of the bloodbath, straining relations between the Philippines and Hong Kong, if not China itself.....MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20120512com1.html

US-owned palm oil plantation impoverishes indigenous people in Opol, Misamis Oriental

US-owned palm oil plantation impoverishes indigenous people in Opol, Misamis Oriental

Their land and means of livelihood were taken away from them, their culture trampled upon, all in the name of public-private partnerships and foreign corporate interests.

OPOL, Misamis Oriental – Roel Tagupa, a Higaonon, 41, used to earn just enough to feed his wife and their two children. On a three-hectare farm located in Tingalan village of this province, he tended to his crops of corn, banana, cassava and coconuts.

Life was peaceful for Tagupa and his family until American firm A. Brown Company, Inc. started planting palm oil in the 520-hectare land where Tagupa and the rest of the Higaonon tribe lived.

Using a Forest Land Grazing Lease Agreement (FGLA) issued to a local farmer by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), A. Brown encroached into the ancestral domain of the Higaonon tribe..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2012/05/10/us-owned-palm-oil-plantation-impoverishes-indigenous-people-in-opol-misamis-oriental/

Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Naples (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Naples (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Two policemen have been injured as hundreds of protesters hurled red paint and eggs at officers guarding Equitalia, Italy's tax collection office, in Naples following the suicide of yet another debt-ridden Italian citizen.

Demonstrators lobbed rocks and bottles at policemen clad in riot gear as the building was quickly closed to the public.

The protesters claimed to have attacked the tax office after its director refused to close it to mourn the latest suicide in Naples, allegedly sparked by the delivery of a bill from the tax recovery office, ANSA news agency reports..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/italy-protests-police-clashes-041/

85 shots: US cops use more ammo per man than Germans per year

85 shots: US cops use more ammo per man than Germans per year

Eighty-five shots: That’s the total number of bullets German police used in all of 2011, Der Spiegel reports. But what does it say when US cops use as much ammo to bring down one man as German cops need to keep the peace nationwide?

The rate at which German police discharged their firearms is further underscored by how rarely they shot with fatal intent.  Of the 85 bullets used in 2011, 49 were warnings shots, 36 were aimed at criminal suspects, 15 people were injured, and 6 were killed, the German daily continues.

The statistics prove "our police officers are not thugs in uniform,”Christian Democratic insider Lorenz Caffier said..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/usa/news/us-germany-85-shots-022/

Mysterious animal deaths in Peru

Mysterious animal deaths in Peru

Warming of water may be the cause of death for animals in Peru...at least 1,500 birds, mostly pelicans, and 877 dolphins died in the last two weeks.

Peruvian authorities have advised people to avoid several beaches and not to eat fish after the mysterious death of hundreds of dolphins and pelicans in recent weeks.

"The Executive Director of Environmental Health has determined that municipalities should guide the public about the risk of frequenting beaches where there are dolphins and pelicans dead," says the Ministry of Health

At least 1,500 birds, mostly pelicans, died of unknown cause in the last two weeks, just as 877 dolphins, according to the Ministry of Environment..... MORE


URL: http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/11-05-2012/121084-Mysterious_animal_deaths_in_Peru-0/

Palace tells CJ: Prepare hard for Ombudsman’s testimony, cross By Fernan J. Angeles 05/12/2012

Palace tells CJ: Prepare hard for Ombudsman’s testimony, cross

By Fernan J. Angeles 05/12/2012

Still clinging to belief that the Aquino appointed Ombudsman’s testimony will scare the impeached Chief Justice into retreating from his pledge that he would testfiy on his behalf before the Senate impeachment court, and anticipating that Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales would be able to pin down Chief Justice Renato Corona with her testimony, President Aquino, through his spokesman, Edwin Lacierda, issued a message to Corona to prepare hard for the Ombudsman’s testimony and cross examination from the prosecution, and by extension, some administration senator-judges.

The issue is focused on the veracity and authenticity of the alleged $ 10million deposit of the chief magistrate.

At the regular press briefing, Lacierda described the testimonies of the two top personalities from the judiciary as the focal point of the impeachment trial which is expected to wrap up by the end of the month at the latest. .... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120512hea2.html

Gov’t prods Fil-Chinese to invest in Spratlys oil hunt 05/12/2012

Gov’t prods Fil-Chinese to invest in Spratlys oil hunt

Amid an ongoing standoff with China, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has called on Filipino-Chinese businessmen to partner with Philippine companies in undertaking exploration projects in the country’s continental shelf, including the disputed Recto Bank, also known as Reed Bank, off Palawan.

Other claimant-countries, however, earlier had protested Manila’s plan to explore oil and gas in disputed waters in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

Recto Bank is about 80 nautical miles west of southwestern Palawan, according to the DFA.

China, reports said, has started its drilling operations near the disputed shoal.

Assistant Secretary Gilbert Asuque of the DFA’s Ocean Concerns Office during a meeting with the Federation of Filipino-Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry last May 8 encouraged its members to consider investing in Philippine companies undertaking exploration activities in the country’s continental shelf..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20120512hea3.html

Solon: sue coddlers of meat smugglers By Benjamin B. Pulta 05/12/2012

Solon: sue coddlers of meat smugglers

By Benjamin B. Pulta 05/12/2012

Hog raisers reiterated that the illegal importation of misdeclared meat is threatening the livelihood of backyard farmers and agricultural workers in allied trades and is also depriving the government of revenue.

“We are not against the legal importers of meat, what we are seeking is the prosecution of smugglers of meat and their protectors,” Agap party-list Rep. Nicanor Briones said.

Of primary concern Briones said was the question of whether the estimated 100 million kilos of smuggled meat which finds its way into the country each year was fit for human consumption..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120512nat1.html

Filipino children suffer from stunted growth — DoST survey By Efren B. Chavez 05/12/2012

Filipino children suffer from stunted growth — DoST survey

By Efren B. Chavez 05/12/2012

A third of the children in 12 regions in the Visayas and Mindanao suffer from stunting, Dr. Mario Capanzana, director of the Department of Science and Technology-Food and Nutrition Research Institute (DoST-FNRI), revealed during the recent Nutrition Summit held at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Makati City.

The prevalence of this condition was found the Nutritional Status of Filipino Children and Selected Population Groups Survey: 2011 report. The survey was conducted between May and December 2011 covering all 17 regions and 79 provinces of the country using the 2003 National Statistics Office Master Sample. Growth parameters were measured using the global indicators and techniques of measurement being used by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20120512nat2.html

TV5 questions MTRCB order suspending Tulfo brothers show By Benjamin B. Pulta 05/12/2012

TV5 questions MTRCB order suspending Tulfo brothers show

By Benjamin B. Pulta 05/12/2012

Broadcast giant TV5 has challenged before the Court of Appeals (CA) the preventive suspension order handed down by the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) against its program “T3” where the Tulfo brothers cursed and threatened couple Raymart Santiago and Claudine Barretto.

In a 47-page petition for review and certiorari, the television network asked the appellate court to immediately stop and eventually nullify MTRCB’s order issued last Thursday.

“Immediately upon filing of this petition, issue a temporary restraining order and subsequently a writ of preliminary injunction enjoining the MTRCB from enforcing, implementing or executing any manner its order dated 10 May 2012,” the petition urged the CA..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120512met1.html

QC to celebrate Mother’s Day with a breastfeeding seminar 05/12/2012

QC to celebrate Mother’s Day with a breastfeeding seminar

To promote breastfeeding among city hall employees, especially pregnant and nursing mothers, the Quezon City government will conduct a one-day breastfeeding seminar this month, Vice Mayor Joy Belmonte announced yesterday.

Belmonte said the event, which is part of the city’s Mothers’ Day celebration, will be held on May 14 (Monday) at 8:30 a.m. at the Lecture Room A, Legislative Building..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20120512met4.html

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