• 6 AUGUST - *1907 - Gen. Macario Sakay, one of the Filipino military leaders who had continued fighting the imperialist United States invaders eight years into the Ph...
    12 years ago


The Daily Tribune

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Aquino acting as spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita – Pamalakaya

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Aquino acting as spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita – Pamalakaya

“The value of the hundreds of thousands of tons of Luisita sugar comes from the labor of the farmers and the mill workers. Without them, the Hacienda would have remained a vacant lot.The farmers have already paid for their lands many times over.” – Anakbayan

President Benigno Aquino III is using his influence as executive to throw a monkey wrench in the preparations for the transfer ownership of the Hacienda Luisita sugar estate to qualified agrarian reform beneficiaries.

This was the allegation of the fisherfolk alliance Pambansang ng Kilusang Mamamalakaya ng Pilipinas (Pamalakaya), one of the long-time supporters of the farmworkers of Hacienda Luisita.

Pamalakaya chairman Fernando Hicap said Aquino would do well to remember that he is the president of the country and not the spokesperson of Hacienda Luisita Inc. (HLI). Hicap was reacting to the statement made by Aquino that the land owners of HLI deserve “just compensation from the government” once they relinquish their control over the sprawling 6,453-hectare hacienda, of which 4,915 hectares have been declared by the Supreme Court as immediately viable for land reform.

While he refused to directly comment on the Supreme Court’s decision declaring that Hacienda Luisita should be given to the farmworkers, Aquino said one sector should not be sacrificed just to accommodate the other on the issue of land distribution..... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/30/aquino-acting-as-spokesperson-of-hacienda-luisita-pamalakaya/

George Orwell’s guide to the news

George Orwell’s guide to the news

Photo credit: RT.com

 The Western mainstream media falsifies the news resorting to euphemisms, half-truths and lies in the best (worst) style of George Orwell’s novel 1984. We all live in the unreal world of “Newspeak” used by the Global Power Elite to control our minds.

Man gets confused when things that happen around him and to him, or which are done in his name, cannot be properly grasped, understood or made sense of. Normally, such confusion leads to inaction. If you’re lost at night in the middle of a forest but you can still see the stars, then a bit of astronomical knowledge will at least quickly tell you which way is north. But if it’s cloudy or you’re ignorant of the constellations in starry heaven, then you might as well light up a fire and do nothing until dawn…. You’re Lost!

Today, mainstream media coverage uses programmed distortion, confusion, even outright lying when its Money Power masters order it to support the “official story” on any major political, economic or financial process..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/media-lies-global-elite-447/

Strike 1: UK civil servants cripple country (w/ Video)

 Strike 1: UK civil servants cripple country

More than 2 million participants put the public sector on hold in the UK, as unions stage a massive public sector strike. It is the largest of its kind in 30 years.

­A public services strike called for by the United Kingdom’s Trades Union Congress (TUC), has taken effect on Wednesday, the largest work stoppage of its kind in more than 30 years.  The strike targets public schools, the health sector, UK court systems and transportation systems as well.  More than 2 million workers are expected to participate, in rallies and picket lines all across the country.

At the heart of the issue are cuts to public sector pension programs asking workers to contribute 3% more of their own money into the system, raising the retirement age to the age of 66 by the year 2020 and to amend pensions to be based on the average of a career rather than the final salary.  Unions are strongly against the proposed reforms which the TUC argues would make workers pay more and work longer for fewer benefits..... MORE


URL: http://rt.com/news/public-sector-uk-strike-573/

Occupy LA camp raided, cops arrest over 200 (PHOTOS)

Occupy LA camp raided, cops arrest over 200 (PHOTOS) 

The Los Angeles police chief says more than 200 Occupy LA protesters were arrested as over a thousand officers moved in to dismantle the Occupy LA City Hall Camp. A similar encampment in Philadelphia have been cleaned early hours on Wednesday.

­Messages on Twitter suggest 10 to 15 people have been arrested in Philadelphia and one person has been sent to hospital as police on horses apparently trampled peaceful protesters.. Messages also suggest police using extreme measures to silence the movement while protesters remain non-violent.

Reports also suggest police are stepping up as law enforcers in LA have closed off streets surrounding the encampment as hundreds waited for what they believed was an imminent operation.

Messages on Twitter from LA reveal the wrangle between the two sides. Police tell protesters they are in violation of penal codes. Protesters tell police they are in violation of the Constitution..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://rt.com/news/occupy-us-camps-dismantle-543/

Malaysia tribes struggle with modern problems focus 11/30/2011

Malaysia tribes struggle with modern problems


SUNGAI ASAP — Tribal chief Danny Ibang lived most of his life in the pristine jungles of the Malaysian portion of Borneo island until he was pushed into a modern world he was told would be better.

And in many ways, it is.

His Kenyah community of 2,000 enjoys electricity, running water, health and educational facilities previously undreamed-of since being moved out of the jungles to a new village to make way for the huge Bakun hydroelectric dam.

But as expanding dams, oil-palm plantations and other development forces thousands off ancestral lands in the state of Sarawak, a host of modern new problems threaten to break down once tight-knit tribal communities.
Village elders and activists say alcoholism, drug use, and crime are on the increase and anger is rising over continuing encroachment on native lands..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111130com5.html

Legal experts to Aquino govt: Comply with peace agreements

Legal experts to Aquino govt: Comply with peace agreements

“Agreements are binding and not only pieces of paper. One of the basic principles of international law is that agreements must be executed in good faith. There are no documents without obligation.” – Jan Fermon, professor of law at the University of Maastricht and a member of the International Legal Advisory Team
MANILA – A group of international legal experts urged the Aquino government to comply with the past agreements it signed with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP).

In a press conference via Skype from Utrecht, the Netherlands, Nov.14, members of the newly-formed International Legal Advisory Team (Ilat) said that if the Government of the Philippine (GPH) wants peace talks to move forward, it must respect the 12 important agreements signed by both parties since 1992.

Peace talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the NDFP have been stalled since June, with the GPH refusing to release the remaining 13 NDFP detained consultants. The NDFP decried it as a violation of Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (Jasig) and of Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

Jan Fermon, professor of law at the University of Maastricht and a member of Ilat, said the GPH has not respected its own commitment to abide by the agreements it has signed. “The only way?forward,” he declared, “is to respect and comply with these agreements.”

The more than 40-year old armed revolutionary struggle in the Philippines is the longest in Asia.
“Agreements are binding and not only pieces of paper,” Fermon said. “One of the basic principles of international law is that agreements must be executed in good faith. There are no documents without obligation.”.... MORE


URL: http://bulatlat.com/main/2011/11/17/legal-experts-to-aquino-govt-comply-with-peace-agreements/

The EcoShield advantage C.R.O.S.S.R.O.A.D.S Jonathan De la Cruz 11/30/2011

The EcoShield advantage

Jonathan De la Cruz
Wonder no more why Bulacan Gov. Willy Sy Alvarado has braved all odds in pushing for the EcoShield Project in Barangay Salambao, Obando, a coastal town along the heavily polluted Marilao-Meycauayan-Obando River System (MMORS) which flows to the Manila Bay. The former three-term congressman is an active environmentalist and was one of the principal sponsors of the country’s much heralded environmental laws such as the Solid Waste Management Act and Clean Water Act, among others. In fact, he has gone out of his way to convince his constituents to actively participate in the Supreme Court mandated clean-up of the rivers as part of the bigger “Writ of Kalikasan” initiative under then Chief Justice Reynato Puno to rehabilitate Manila Bay.

One notes that the MMORS has been identified by various environmental groups, including the New York-based Blacksmith Institute, as one of the world’s dirtiest river systems. Combined with the Pasig River and its various tributaries all of which flow out into Manila Bay carrying the heavy pollutants of various kinds from a densely populated Metro Manila and its influenced areas you will appreciate why such a comprehensive clean up within the places mentioned has become a matter of extreme urgency..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20111130com4.html

Senate produces more witnesses in 2004, 2007 poll fraud 11/30/2011

Senate produces more witnesses in 2004, 2007 poll fraud

More witnesses — albeit not too credible — are surfacing before the Senate, with the latest witness yesterday claiming to have witnessed the alleged poll fraud operations in Mindanao during the 2007 mid-term elections, saying he was present when then President Arroyo told Maguindanao Gov. Datu Andal Ampatuan Sr. to ensure the delivery of 12-0 victory in favor of the administration ticket, Team Unity (TU).

The witness, however, admitted that he did not hear her say to rig the polls; only to give TU a 12-0 victory.

But in the process of trying to implicate the direct involvement of Arroyo and Ampatuan, the witness also linked resigned Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri to the poll fraud..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111130hed4.html

Estrada seeks reopening of PEACe bonds scam probe 11/30/2011

Estrada seeks reopening of PEACe bonds scam probe

The Senate blue ribbon and ways and means committees were directed yesterday to reopen their probe into the alleged grossly disadvantageous transaction behind the P35-billion Poverty Eradication and Alleviation Certificates (PEACe) bonds and finally put closure to the case.

Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada filed Resolution 638 directing the two committees to conduct an inquiry in aid of legislation into the government’s borrowing process in relation to the issuance of PEACe bonds and determine who are the accountable personalities behind this deal.

The issuance of the PEACe bonds was considered done through a sweetheart deal with the previous ad-ministration of President Arroyo that resulted in its architect, the Caucus of Development NGO Net-works, which had as its officials now Social Welfare Secretary Dinky Soliman and Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process Ging Deles, to earn P1.3 billion in quick windfalls..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20111130hed3.html

Imus mayor expects ‘fair treatment’ from Comelec By Mina Diaz 11/30/2011

Imus mayor expects ‘fair treatment’ from Comelec

By Mina Diaz 11/30/2011

Beleaguered Imus mayor Homer Saquilayan of Cavite expressed confidence that he would get a “fair treatment” from the Commission on Elections (Comelec) after the Imus Regional Trial Court again affirmed its decision ousting him from his post.

Last Monday, judge Cesar Mangrobang of the Imus RTC Branch 22 granted the motion for execution pending an appeal of the Nov. 15 decision he issued declaring Emmanuel Maliksi as the “real” winner in the 2010 Imus mayoralty race, following a manual recount of 25,036 votes from 53 local precincts.

“The clerk of Court… is hereby directed to issue the corresponding Writ of Execution to enforce the directives in the decision dated Nov. 15, 2011 and to immediately install Emmanuel Maliksi as mayor of (this) municipality,” Mangrobang’s order read.

Saquilayan, who ran under the Nacionalista Party (NP), was proclaimed winner by the Comelec with 8,499 votes over Maliksi of the Liberal Party.

But in the poll recount supervised by Mangrobang, the court nullified 8,387 ballots for being “stray votes,” thereby erasing the lead of Saquilayan over Maliksi..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111130nat2.html

Paguia dared to challenge poll sabotage law before SC By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 11/30/2011

Paguia dared to challenge poll sabotage law before SC

By Virgilio J. Bugaoisan 11/30/2011

Malacaang twitted suspended lawyer Alan Paguias claim that the electoral sabotage case filed against former President and now Pampanga Rep. Gloria Arroyo is unconstitutional and challenged him to take his position to the Supreme Court (SC).

Presidential spokesman Edwin Lacierda said in a press briefing that the former lawyer of deposed President Estrada should file a petition before the SC seeking to nullify the electoral sabotage case against Mrs. Arroyo if he is really sure with his position that the charges filed are indeed unconstitutional.

Let him (Paguia) argue. Let him intervene in the case if he wants to and let him file a petition (before the SC) to question the constitutionality (of the electoral sabotage law). That law was passed by Congress so let him argue the merits of the case, he said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20111130nat3.html

‘JV’ Ejercito calls for grand commemoration of ‘Bonifacio Day’ 11/30/2011

‘JV’ Ejercito calls for grand commemoration of ‘Bonifacio Day’

With the 148th celebration of Andres Bonifacio Day today, San Juan City Rep. Joseph Victor “JV” Ejercito yesterday urged the government through a privilege speech to organize a grand 150th commemoration for the hero to honor his great sacrifice and leadership on patriotism.

“As a lover of our rich heritage, it is unfortunate that our government gives minimum regard for our history. People can now only remember Bonifacio and the Katipuneros by reading history books and yearly tributes.

But we are not careful to remember their worth despite the great sacrifice they have given for the freedom of our country,” Ejercito addressed his colleagues last Monday afternoon.

“In fact, it has now come to a point where we are already diminishing Bonifacio’s value, as evident in our currency. Before, we had Bonifacio placed solo on P2 and P5 coins. But now we have him compressed with Apolinario Mabini on the P10 coin,” he added..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/metro/20111130met3.html

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