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Paranoia EDITORIAL 10/16/2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010


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Noynoy Aquino appears to have a different and illogical interpretation when it comes down to the separation of powers principle.

For him, whenever he, as the Chief Executive, signs an executive order, this cannot be looked into by a co-equal branch of government, which would be, in the most recent case, the Supreme Court. To Noynoy, for the SC to check into this issue is already interference by a separate and co-equal branch of government — the executive branch.

For Noynoy, with the high court having issued a status quo ante order on both the House of Representatives in the case of stopping the proceeding of the impeachment complaint against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez and the same order for a Noynoy-claimed “midnight appointee” is already a case of the high court meddling into the affairs of the presidency.

He has gone as far as threatening a constitutional crisis on account of a clash between the judiciary and the executive branches of government and even went further by accusing the high court of aiding and abetting corruption, as well as derailing his claimed reform program — and all because the high court issued a stay order..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101016com1.html

A waste of public funds FRONTLINE Ninez Cacho-Olivares 10/16/2010

A waste of public funds

Ninez Cacho-Olivares
Frankly, the creation of the truth body is a waste of money — some P80 million of it in the 2010 budget, mainly because it is powerless and it may well be as powerless as the IIRC panel, which worked hard to get at the bottom of the botched hostage rescue, indicting several officials and police officers, only for Noynoy and his legal counsels to overturn the sanctions and absolve his buddy and allies, as the claim was that the panel’s findings were only recommendatory.

In much the same way, Noynoy Aquino also threw out the findings and recommendations of the Feliciano fact finding commission on what the executive must do to stop the coups d’etat and military adventurism, which definitely should ban amnesty for rebel soldiers.

Noynoy issued a grant of amnesty, even claiming this order to be executory with his signing, which is flawed, as such cannot be implemented unless and until Congress concurs in it.

Also, it was the wrong time to issue an amnesty offer, considering that the promulgation of the judge handling the Magdalo coup d’etat charge was just days away, which showed Noynoy’s disrespect for the judiciary..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101016com2.html

After industry, Germany exports lifestyle to China FEATURE 10/16/2010

After industry, Germany exports lifestyle to China


SHANGHAI — Piggybacking on the reputation for quality built by the cars and machines made by their compatriots, German consumer goods brands are feverishly wooing Chinese customers as they try to catch up with their French and Italian rivals in a fast-growing market.
Germany has successfully exported its Volkswagen, Audi and BMW cars to China for years, as well as machine tools and chemicals.

Makers of household appliances, furniture and fabrics are now trying to use the cachet of the “Made in Germany” label to tap into well-heeled Chinese consumers’ appetite for products that show off their prosperity.

“The Chinese market for household goods is the largest in the world,” said Markus Kepka, head of kitchenware maker Fissler.

But German manufacturers’ share of that market stands below one percent, way behind their rivals from France and Italy, who lead the way in luxury and lifestyle products.

Kepka is overseeing the “German Living” fair, which opened in Shanghai on Wednesday in the presence of Berlin’s Economy Minister Rainer Bruederle..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/commentary/20101016com3.html

Groups Urge Aquino to Remove Gutierrez as Ombudsman to Show Seriousness in Prosecuting Arroyo Published on October 16, 2010

Groups Urge Aquino to Remove Gutierrez as Ombudsman to Show Seriousness in Prosecuting Arroyo

Published on October 16, 2010

Progressive groups have taken two tracks in their efforts to remove Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez – the filing of an impeachment complaint and urging President Benigno Aquino II to remove Gutierrez – because, they said, Gutierrez is the biggest obstacle to the prosecution of former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
MANILA – The impeachment of Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez plays a crucial role in the prosecution of Mrs. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and her cohorts. Gutierrez’s perceived loyalty to the Arroyos has prevented and would continue to prevent her from making the right judgment in the plunder cases that have and will be filed against Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) said in a statement.

Bayan is a respondent in the impeachment complaint filed before the House of Representatives’ Committee on Justice. Two impeachment complaints against Gutierrez have been filed in Congress, one by former Akbayan representative Risa Hontiveros, and another by Bayan secretary general Renato Reyes, Mother Mary John Mananzan, co-chairwoman of Pagbabago! People’s Movement for Change, national president of Confederation for Unity, Recognition and Advancement of Government Employees (Courage) Ferdie Gaite, Atty. Edre U. Olalia, secretary general of National Union Peoples’ Lawyer (NUPL), Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) secretary general Danilo Ramos and League of Filipino Student (LFS) chairman Terry Ridon, respectively.

“Ms. Gutierrez has held the position of the Ombudsman for five years, but until now she has not prosecuted nor was she able to hold accountable erring government officials involved in a number of high-profile cases of graft and corruption. Instead, she has allowed her office to be used as an instrument for covering up the impropriety of the previous administration,” Pagbabago said in an open letter addressed to the House of Representatives, asking the lawmakers to support the impeachment complaint against Gutierrez.

Pagbabago said Gutierrez, an appointee of Arroyo, has been ignoring cases involving Arroyo, her family and other high-ranking government officials such as those named in the impeachment complaint. The cases include the NBN-ZTE deal, the fertilizer fund scam, the Mega Pacific deal, the Hello Garci scandal, and the Euro Generals scandal, all of which have already been found anomalous either by the Senate or by the Supreme Court..... MORE


URL: http://www.bulatlat.com/main/2010/10/16/groups-urge-aquino-to-remove-gutierrez-as-ombudsman-to-show-seriousness-in-prosecuting-arroyo/

Farmers’ Groups to Hold Lakbayan Against Aquino Government

 Farmers’ Groups to Hold Lakbayan Against Aquino Government

Published on October 16, 2010

Calling the Aquino government as a “haciendero regime” and the “number one enemy of peasants,” progressive farmers’ organizations from Central and Southern Luzon would converge at the office of the office of the Department of Agrarian Reform before marching to the historic Mendiola bridge on October 21.

MANILA — Farmers and agricultural workers from all over the country are asking for nothing less than genuine agrarian reform when they start observing Peasant Week on Oct. 18, Monday.

“We have proven that for more than a year after it was passed, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program with Extension (CARPER) is also inutile,” Anakpawis Representative Rafael Mariano told Bulatlat. “It is now time to look into the free land distribution scheme, which is the framework of the Genuine Agrarian Reform Bill.”

The Peasant Week is annually observed by progressive farmers’ organizations to renew their vow to fight for a genuine agrarian reform program that will solve the centuries-old land problem in the country.

The theme of this year’s peasants march is “Lakbayan ng mga Magsasaka Laban sa Hacienderong Rehimen ni Aquino” (Long March of Farmers Against the Hacienda Regime of Aquino). At the north leg of the march in Luzon farmers would hold their first vigil in Tarlac on Oct. 18 while the Southern Tagalog Wing 1 and 2 would hold their vigil in Alabang and Batangas, respectively. The different groups are expected to converge at the Department of Agrarian Reform office in Quezon City on Oct. 21 before marching towards Mendiola in Manila..... MORE


URL: http://www.bulatlat.com/main/2010/10/16/farmers%E2%80%99-groups-to-hold-lakbayan-against-aquino-government/

Youth Groups Say Adding Two More Years to Basic Education, Not A Solution But An Added Burden

Youth Groups Say Adding Two More Years to Basic Education, Not A Solution But An Added Burden

Published on October 16, 2010

“Filipino students could hardly finish up to sixth grade. How much more with K+12?” – Kabataan Party-list.

MANILA — Like most parents, Al Hermogeno, 30, has no other dream but to see his children graduate from college, believing that education would be the only way to uplift the family from poverty. However, his income as a water delivery boy is barely enough for his family to survive, making it impossible to even send his children to a good school.

CJ’s Kindergarten graduation in a public school in Pasay City(Photo courtesy of Al Hermogeno/ bulatlat.com)
For every five gallons of water he could deliver to a household, Hermogeno earns only P5.00 ($0.11. He is lucky if his regular customers give him a tip. Late last year, his family was forced to live separately to survive. His wife Maricar, 28, and their youngest Maxene, 5, left for Laguna because they could no longer pay for the room they were renting in Pasay City. The eldest CJ, 7 years old, followed his mother to Laguna after finishing the school year in March 2010.
“I work hard so that my children could finish schooling and hopefully graduate from college, even at a state university,” Hermogeno said in Filipino, adding that it is the only treasure that he could pass on to his children. However, the recent pronouncements of the Department of Education (DepEd) dashed Hermogeno’s dreams for his two children.

The DepEd is proposing to add two more years to the 10 year-basic education in the country, saying that it would address the deteriorating quality of Philippine education. The proposed educational reform, dubbed as K12, will supposedly equip its graduates with the necessary knowledge and skills to land a job.
.... MORE


URL: http://www.bulatlat.com/main/2010/10/16/youth-groups-say-adding-two-more-years-to-basic-education-not-a-solution-but-an-added-burden/

After Release of Rebel Soldiers, Aquino Should Free ‘Morong 43,’ Political Prisoners Published on October 13, 2010

After Release of Rebel Soldiers, Aquino Should Free ‘Morong 43,’ Political Prisoners

Published on October 13, 2010

MANILA — After President Benigno S. Aquino III granted amnesty to rebel soldiers, relatives and supporters pressed anew for the release of the Morong 43 and other political prisoners in the Philippines.

The 43 health workers were arrested in Morong, Rizal on Feb. 6 while conducting a health-skills training.
Charged with illegal possession of firearms and explosives, the 43 were detained at a military camp for almost three months. Thirty-eight of them have been transferred to a regular detention facility at Camp Bagong Diwa since May. Five have remained under military custody.

“We express our support in granting amnesty for all rebel soldiers, but we are dismayed by the inaction of the president on the plight of almost 400 political prisoners who, like the mutineers, fought the corrupt and repressive Arroyo regime,” said Roneo Clamor, acting secretary-general of human-rights group Karapatan and husband of Dr. Merry Mia-Clamor, one of the Morong 43.

Clamor said Justice Secretary Leila de Lima already submitted her recommendations on the case of the Morong 43 to the president. “But up to now, there is no action from Malacañang,” said Clamor..... MORE


URL: http://www.bulatlat.com/main/2010/10/13/after-release-of-rebel-soldiers-aquino-should-free-morong-43-political-prisoners/

Truth body ignores SC, starts work By Benjamin B. Pulta and Angie M. Rosales 10/16/2010

Truth body ignores SC, starts work

By Benjamin B. Pulta and Angie M. Rosales 10/16/2010

A former Supreme Court chief justice, Hilario Davide, went ahead with his “Truth Commission” despite the absence of a ruling by the high court on the legal challenge posed by congressional allies of former President now Rep. Gloria Arroyo.

Davide, having been a high court chief justice, was expected to give the high court the courtesy of not going ahead with the truth body and await its ruling, but he stated at a press conference yesterday the body was pressed for time for the investigations which are said to number at least 23.

But the legal challenge posed by Arroyo’s allies, Flerida Ruth Romero, one of three retired Supreme Court justices in the commission, would make the body unable to begin investigations until the court ruled on the suit.
“Let me say (that) in my view, we cannot undertake any substantive action,” Romero said. “We don’t even have a budget yet.”

Aquino formed the Truth Commission immediately after taking office on June 30 to investigate widespread allegations of high-level corruption during Arroyo’s reign.

Davide, the chairman of the commission, said the body had a mandate to complete its work by the end of 2012, and that it needed to begin investigations quickly..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101016hed1.html

Noy’s House allies follow suit, slam high court on stay order By Gerry Baldo 10/16/2010

Noy’s House allies follow suit, slam high court on stay order

By Gerry Baldo 10/16/2010

Predictably, the allies of President Aquino in the House of Representatives, taking his cue in Supreme Court (SC) bashing, also slammed the high court yesterday in a show of support,

Members of the House echoed Aquino’s criticism of the high court for issuing a status quo ante order on his Executive Order (EO) 2.

House Majority Leader Rep. Neptali “Boyet” Gonzales II said the SC should exercise some caution in issuing a status quo ante order against its co-equal in government even as he cited the earlier status quo ante order issued by the high court mandating the House committee on justice to stop the impeachment proceeding against Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez.

“Earlier, they (SC) intervened in the constitutional duty of Congress to hear impeachment cases and now they are trying to prevent the Executive Department from performing its duties. It seems that the Supreme Court is looking for a clash,” Gonzales stressed.

Gonzales said he is hoping that the SC will have some good reasons in issuing its ruling against EO2. which he said rescinded the alleged “midnight appointments.”.... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101016hed2.html

‘Juan’ now a typhoon, alert up 10/16/2010

‘Juan’ now a typhoon, alert up

Tropical storm “Juan” (international codename “Megi”) has intensified into a typhoon as it heads toward the Philippines, prompting weather authorities to warn the public that the typhoon could bring the same amount of rains typhoon “Ondoy” brought.

As of 2 p.m. (Friday), the typhoon was spotted 1,200 kilometers east of Southern Luzon with maximum sustained winds of 120 kph near the center and gustiness of up to 150 kph. It is moving west-northwest at 20 kph, said Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa ).

Juan is forecast to make landfall in the provinces of Cagayan and Isabela on Monday afternoon, but state forecasters warned against any sea travel and fishing in Northern Luzon as early as Sunday morning.

“Ondoy is a tropical storm category. Ondoy would actually be of a lesser strength. However, if you start looking at the amount of rainfall that Juan is going to bring, satellite imagery shows that the amount of rain it’s bringing is basically similar to what Ondoy had dropped in Metro Manila,” Pagasa chief Graciano Yumul told a press briefing..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101016hed5.html

4,000 Pinoys working illegally in Afghanistan By Michaela P. del Callar 10/16/2010

4,000 Pinoys working illegally in Afghanistan

By Michaela P. del Callar 10/16/2010

Despite the government travel ban to Afghanistan, some 4,000 undocumented Filipinos are reportedly working in the Middle East state, Labor and diplomatic sources yesterday said.

These Filipinos, according to sources, are hired by contractors of United States firms operating in Afghanistan and have managed to slip through the country via Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The salary of these workers, sources said, could fetch up to $10,000, or around P430,000, a month.
Manila has no embassy in Afghanistan, making it difficult for Philippine authorities to monitor the entry and movement of Filipinos there.

“We cannot do anything. They keep on coming because of the high pay and we cannot match the salaries they’re getting there here in the Philippines,” a Labor official said..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/headlines/20101016hed4.html

Noy likely not to grant amnesty to ‘Morong 43’ By Aytch S. de la Cruz and Mario J. Mallari 10/16/2010

Noy likely not to grant amnesty to ‘Morong 43’

By Aytch S. de la Cruz and Mario J. Mallari 10/16/2010

Here’s to the much-vaunted equal justice to all.
President Aquino III yesterday sounded as he were not inclined to accord the same leniency to the political prisoners who were part of the so-called Morong 43 as he did in the cases of over 300 rebel soldiers whom he granted amnesty three days ago.

Despite Malacanang officials’ claims that the case of the Morong 43 remains under continuous review by Justice Secretary Leila de Lima, Aquino broadly implied during a press conference that the Executive can hardly do anything about it because it is within the jurisdiction of the courts.

“The matter is before the courts. Again, it’s within their jurisdiction… We would want to rectify that situation [of the Morong 43] but that will have to undergo sanction by the courts that have already taken cognizance of the case… The Executive cannot order their release without the courts’ sanction,” Aquino said when asked what he plans to do on the cases of the detained health workers concerned.

Aquino last Tuesday risked anew his dwindling popularity when he signed Proclamation No. 50 that grants amnesty to over 300 military insurgents, most of whom are members of the notorious Magdalo group, including controversial figures such as former Lieutenant Senior Grade and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV and the fugitive Capt. Nicanor Faeldon..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20101016nat1.html

Kidnappers free Filipino-Chinese businesswoman 10/16/2010

Kidnappers free Filipino-Chinese businesswoman

A kidnapped female Filipino-Chinese trader was released on Thursday evening just outside Cotabato City after almost a week of captivity by suspected Muslim kidnap group.

Seventy-three-year-old Conchita Tan was turned over safely by her captors to an emissary of the Tan family to an undisclosed area. No other details were available as of press time.

Earlier, reports said the kidnappers demanded P50 million for the safe release of Tan, wife of Lucio Tan, owner of LCT Hardware operating in Cotabato City.

It was not clear, however, if the release of Tan was a result of ransom payment.

Last Oct. 6, Tan was forcibly taken by heavily-armed kidnapped men who even engaged in a gunbattle against the driver and security escort of the Filipino-Chinese trader. The driver and the bodyguard died while undergoing treatment at a local hospital..... MORE

SourceThe Daily Tribune

URL: http://www.tribuneonline.org/nation/20101016nat9.html

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